Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I intend to keep this blog 100% politics-free. There will be no discussions here of health care reform, or health insurance reform, or even life issues.  I have very strong opinions on all of those issues and more, but this isn't the correct forum. We may ultimately get into certain moral issues, particularly around collection time (I'm endlessly fascinated by the detailed questionnaire we must fill out in order to pre-specify the fate of our embryos in every possible circumstance).  We'll keep this totally separate from politics though.  For instance, when I tell you that our doctor can only transfer two embryos for us because Sarah and I would never consider "selective reduction", please don't assume that I've implied or am willing to discuss any position on selective reduction as a political issue.  Again: I do have such a position, and if you're interested you can go over to BQ, where I say bad words and scream at people.  But for this blog, I'm trying to create the least-contentious atmosphere possible.

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