Sunday, May 23, 2010

First Shot

The first injectable drug in the IVF cycle is called leuprolide. It looks like this:

Opening it up, you find a 14-day kit that includes the drug, the required needles, and even the alcohol pads needed to clean the injection site:

The little vial there holds 2.8mL of the drug. That's 14 of the typical 0.2mL doses. We're using it for a different purpose and so use a smaller 0.1mL dose. We paid $99.00 for it.  The needle is tiny. Here's the shot, loaded and ready:

The fingers there are mine, so they're pretty big, but I think the scale is clear.  The needle is very short.  It's a subcutaneous shot.  That means it goes into the fat under the skin.  In practice, what I do is clean a patch of Sarah's tummy with the alcohol pad, pinch her skin, stick the needle in, and inject the drug.  The drug is aqueous, so it goes in quick.  Whole thing is over in five seconds max.

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