Monday, November 8, 2010

For Your Consideration

This is a purely speculative exercise, of course; Lynnleigh's's face is still thin, and doesn't have much the muscle or fat that will give it shape yet. But even wild speculation is fun. Here she is, side by side with her sister:


Baby's name is Lynnleigh Kate.


We went back to the perinatologist today. Last time everything looked good, but her heart was just the size of a quarter, so they couldn't see all the details they wanted to see. This time they had a closer look at the valves in her heart and the arteries leading into and out of it. The news is all good: everything looks as it should.


With that, we're all done with the perinatologist, and back to just visiting our local OB. That probably means these are the last pictures for a good long while. But that's OK; Sarah can feel the baby move every day now, so we have some constant reassurance that she's still in there and doing well.